Introduction to Open3D and Simple Installation

What is Open3D?

Open3D is an open-source library for rapid 3D data development. It offers a range of data structures and algorithms in C++ and Python, with a highly optimized and parallelized backend.

Here ist the basic usage for integrating Open3D library into your application.

Here’s the data presented in a more straightforward, simple language:

3D Data StructuresOpen3D has tools to handle 3D information, like points and shapes.
3D Data Processing AlgorithmsIt can do lots of things with 3D data, like matching and comparing shapes.
Scene ReconstructionOpen3D can build 3D scenes from pictures or point clouds, so you can make 3D models.
Surface AlignmentIt can help make different 3D things fit together perfectly.
3D VisualizationOpen3D lets you see 3D things on your computer screen so you can understand them better.
Physically Based Rendering (PBR)It makes 3D things look more real by simulating how light interacts with them.
3D Machine Learning SupportOpen3D works with PyTorch and TensorFlow, which are tools for training computers to understand 3D things.
GPU AccelerationOpen3D can use your computer’s graphics card to do 3D tasks faster.
Open3D Features

Which Programming Language can I use with Open3D?

The Open3D API is provided for C++ and Python.

Processing 3D data with efficiency calls for the use of optimized programming, and this is where C++ shines. With its ability to handle parallelization and utilize SIMD code, particularly on platforms like x64 SSE and ARM Neon, C++ proves to be an excellent choice for achieving optimal performance.

Open3D Installation in Windows and Ubuntu/macOS

Installing Open3D for Python in Windows (Prebuilt Packages)

There are two ways to use Open3D in your Python application:

  1. By directly using prebuilt packages.
  2. By building the packages from the source code.

You can install one of the two packages offered by Open3D in Python. If you only need the CPU version, specify it when using pip.

# Open Command Prompt application by typing cmd in windows
# Expecting python and pip are already installed
C:\Desktop\Open3D_Example>pip install open3d

# Just cpu version on x86_64 Linux system
C:\Desktop\Open3D_Example>pip install open3d-cpu

# This will install the open3d
# To confirm the installation
>>import open3d

Which Python version are supported by Open3D?

Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 are compatible with the Open3D library.

Installing Open3D for Python in Windows (Building from source code)

The task of building the Open3D library from source will be a little complicated compared to the previous method. However, we have got you covered. Please make sure to meet the system requirements and follow the steps in the chronological order mentioned below.

System Requirements for Building Open3D for Python on Ubuntu, macOS & Windows 10

System requirements (Ubuntu):

  1. C++14 Compiler:
    • Ubuntu 18.04+ : GCC 5+, Clang 7+
  2. CMake:
    • Ubuntu (18.04 / 20.04) : CMake Version 3.19+ (>>pip install cmake)
  3. CUDA (Optional):
    • CUDA 10.1+: Official recommendation 11.0
  4. CCache (Optional):
    • Version 4.0+

System requirements (macOS):

  1. C++14 Compiler:
    • macOS 10.15+: XCode 8.0+
  2. CMake:
    • Ubuntu (18.04 / 20.04) : CMake Version 3.19+ (>>pip install cmake)
  3. CUDA (Optional):
    • CUDA 10.1+: Official recommendation 11.0
  4. CCache (Optional):
    • Version 4.0+

System requirements (Windows 10):

  1. C++14 Compiler:
    • Visual Studio 2019+
  2. CMake:
    • Ubuntu (18.04 / 20.04) : CMake Version 3.19+ (>>pip install cmake)
  3. CUDA (Optional):
    • CUDA 10.1+: Official recommendation 11.0
  4. CCache (Optional):
    • Version 4.0+

Building Open3D from source for Python on Ubuntu/macOS

git clone open3d

$git clone

Installation of open3d dependencies

# navigate to the root directory


# navigate to the root directory
$mkdir build
$cd build
$cmake ..


# ubuntu
$make -j$(nproc)

# macOS
$make -l$(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)


# ubuntu install Open3D C++ libraries
$make install

# macOS install Open3D C++ libraries
$make install

# ubuntu install Open3D Python library
$make pip-package
# This will create the .whl file (replace with corret filename)
$pip install newlaycreatedwheel.whl

# verify the installation
$python -c "import open3d"

Building Open3D from source for Python on Windows

git clone open3d

$git clone


# navigate to the root directory
>mkdir build
>cd build
>cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="<open3d_install_directory>" ..


>cmake --build . --config Release --target ALL_BUILD


# install Open3D C++ libraries
>cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL

# install Open3D Python library
$cmake --build . --config Release --target pip-package
# This will create the .whl file (replace with corret filename)
$pip install newlaycreatedwheel.whl

# verify the installation
$python -c "import open3d"

Now you know how to install Open3D in your application, It is time to learn about loading and visualizing the point clouds in Open3D.

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